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@paola.ochoaa of @teenbossbabes + @socialsbypaola

Paola Ochoa is a 17 year old entrepreneur from San Diego, California. She launched her social media business @socialsbypaola in July of 2019. Almost a year later, she launched her online community @teenbossbabes which has over 5,000 followers. She will be attending FIDM in 2021 pursuing a degree in visual communications and hopes to grow her "boss babe" community while there. Now let's get into the story behind how this teen became her own boss!

The thing that motivates Paola the most is knowing that she inspires people. Her favorite way to start the day is with a scroll on her favorite social media apps, Instagram and TikTok, and reading DMs from fellow teen boss babes.

Starting her business at such a young age was a big change for Paola, people criticized her for not being a "normal" teenager. Although she has always been independent and her starting a business wasn't a surprise to those around her, her friends and family didn't understand her passion.

"I never knew what I wanted to do with my life until last year," Paola said.

Once she found out about FIDM, a school all about fashion, she knew this was the place for her. In the next five years while attending school at FIDM, she hopes to continue to grow @teenbossbabes. Her ultimate goal would be to have her own PR agency since she has always been curious of how brands choose which influencers to work with and how they send out the PR packages.

"I have 2 dreams that I am currently following and I know that if I was 10 I could still do it and if I was 50 I could too, Paola said. "I have never had self doubt about my business because as a customer myself I know how it is to be on the other side."

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